宁波2023-04-26 10:23:57
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欧盟化妆品法规(EC)223/2009中规定化妆品必须进行CPNP通告后方能进入欧盟市场,以确保产品的性,并加强市场监控。欧盟市场所有化妆品的统一通报制度。出现事故时,毒害管理中的工作人员能在几秒之内从数据库中存储的信息中看到该成品的成分,主管机构也能*地获取欧盟市场上所有化妆品的信息, 以实施市场监管。
CPNP Notification(CPNP通报)概要
A significant new duty on importers and manufacturers ofcosmetic products, brought in by the new Regulation (EC 1223/2009),is the duty to notify the Commission in detail about all theproducts marketed by the responsible persons.
All cosmetic products placed on the European market are obligedto be registered to the new Cosmetic Products Notification Portal(CPNP).
The data required to be input to the web based CPNPincludes(CPNP将包含以下内容):
Whether the product is manufactured in, or imported into, theEU.
Whether the product is specifically intended for children under3 years of age.
Whether the product contains any ingredients that are classifiedas CMRs.
Whether it contains nanomaterials.
The physical form of the product, e.g. powder, liquid, gel, foametc.
Whether different shades of the same product will be available,e.g. lipsticks.
Whether the product is intended for use on the skin, hair, nailsetc.
Details on the formulation of the product. There are a number ofpredefined formulations, or alternatively, exact concentration orconcentration range formulation may be chosen.
An image of the product label.
An image of the original product packaging.
We can perform the notification of your cosmetic products toCPNP. Contact us for more information.
CPSR化妆品报告欧盟化妆品法规(EC 223/2009)在2013年7月11日正式实施后,进入到欧盟市场的所有化妆品必须提供产品(CPSR,Cosmetic Product Safety Report)。
从2013年7月11日开始,欧洲经济区 (EEA)市场中销售的化妆品必须符合新颁布的欧盟化妆品法规(EC) 223/2009的要求,相比于之前的化妆品指令Directive 76/768EEC,对化妆品的性提出了*加严格的要求,其中明确规定了产品必须完成化妆品报告(Cosmetic Product SafetyReport,CPSR)以及化妆产品通报(CPNP,Cosmetic Products NotificationPortal)后方能够在欧盟经济区上市销售,并且也需要提供符合新欧盟化妆品法规的PIF报告(Product InformationFile),在*后一批产品投放市场后由责任人保存10年。